Home » Events » San Francisco Electronic Music Festival – 17th Annual featuring Gen Ken Montgomery, IMA | Night 1 – The Exploratorium

San Francisco Electronic Music Festival – 17th Annual featuring Gen Ken Montgomery, IMA | Night 1 – The Exploratorium

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Date(s) - 09/08/2016
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Exploratorium, Kanbar Forum


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Gen Ken Montgomery | Artist Statment .— I need more time to give a polished statement about what I do because I am very dedicated to not knowing what I’m doing as a force of sudden creative explosion and as a rebellion to the “know what you’re doing world”.

Ken Montgomery is a New York-based visual artist and “sound/composer” whose involvement in the cassette-culture and mail-art movements of the late seventies led to the creation, in 1989, of the first and arguably still the most important sound art gallery in New York City: Generator. Located first in the East Village and later in Chelsea, Generator’s wide scope and novel approach toward audio art made it a vector-point for some of the most interesting and important artists from around the world. Ken was also the founder of A.T.M.O.T.W.— Art is Throwing Money Out The Window — and Generator Sound Art Inc., and he co-founded the seminal experimental labels Generations Unlimited and Pogus Productions. As a composer in the early eighties Ken was creating multi-channel sound works often performed in total darkness. More recently Ken has been focusing on visual art, collage, bookmaking, and international correspondence art. As The Minister of Lamination (a.k.a. Egnekn) he is the world’s foremost practitioner of sonic Lamination Art. Montgomery has collaborated with a wide variety of artists including Conrad Schnitzler, Andrea Beeman, David Lee Myers (Arcane Device), Zoe Beloff, Michael Zodorozny, and Ishtvan Kantor (a.k.a. Monty Cantsin).

IMA | The electro-­percussion duo of Amma Ateria and Nava Dunkelman, explores distortions of time and the ever-present moment through restraint and release. Their array of metallic nature marches forth with space-expanding densities to brinks of breakage, situated to be caressed by beautification in between.

The San Francisco Electronic Music Festival is an artist-run organization founded in 1999 by a committee of eight Bay Area electro-acoustic music and sound art practitioners. Its mission is to provide a highly visible public forum for the diverse community of composers and sound artists working with electronic-based technologies in the Bay Area. Designed as an annual multi-day event consisting of concerts, installations and discussions, the primary focus is on independent artists whose innovative aesthetics challenge academic and commercial standards. The Committee’s goals are long-term: to establish the festival as an annual presence in the Bay Area; to foster a greater sense of community among the diverse group of Bay Area sound artists; to stimulate the creation of new electronic sound works; to increase public awareness of new sound-based technologies and their creative applications; to raise the level of discourse surrounding music and sound-art; and to raise the national and international profile of the Bay Area as a center for electronic music and sound art.

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